Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What Protein is Right for Me?

I get the question a lot, "What protein do you drink?" I think this is really important because everyone is different and has different goals. The protein I drink may not be right for you. Here is some information on choosing the right protein along with my list of personal favorites.

There are many types of protein powder: whey, casein, pea, hemp, soy, the list goes on. If you're vegan or allergic to dairy, hemp, soy, and other plant based proteins are a good choice. Whey or whey isolate are great for post workout.

Once you choose a type that is right for you, read the ingredients. How many ingredients does the product have? Is it filled with things you can't pronounce? I usually opt for a protein that has a few quality ingredients and not much more. I'm drinking the shake for fuel, not for a bunch of nonsense in my body. You should always be paying for protein and not fillers and junk. Keep this in mind when reading ingredients.

Next, nutrition facts. Make sure you're getting a good amount of protein per scoop--and most people like lower carb and fat. If you're only getting 10 grams per scoop and have to drink 2 scoops to get the amount of protein you want, that one is probably not going to be the best deal. Do your math. Calculate the price of the powder divided by the amount of scoops you get and see how much the protein costs per serving. If you're comparing similar proteins that have the same amount of protein per scoop and can't decide which one, divide and see what the cost per scoop is. You'll be surprised at how much more expensive some are!

Now on to a list of some of my favorite proteins...

Jay Robb's-Whey, egg white protein, whatever you choose, you get a lot of protein for your money. Quality ingredients.

Sun Warrior-not a bad taste, few ingredients, and you get a great amount for your money! Blends well too..This is my go-to protein...

Trader Joe's Trader Darwin's 100% Soy  Protein-really good deal if you're on a budget. Only ingredient: soy. No carbs. No fat. I use this to make pancakes with.. Not the best flavor to drink but I drink it quick after workouts. Great for protein pancakes as it has a slight cakeyness. Is that a word? It is now. Boom.

Garden of Life Raw Protein. Let me give it to ya straight. This stuff is NAS-TAY. Not nearly as nasty as the raw meal, but dudes. It is purely for nutrition purposes only. You will get no delight out of drinking this.

I hope this helps. Don't get caught up in pushy people selling protein...Check your ingredients, know what you're looking for. I hope this information can help you pick what is best for you!

I'm Official.

Well, well, well. Here we are... I am a CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER! I passed the exam! My other big news.. I am officially a certified personal trainer at Crunch Fitness in Daly City!! Without the crew at Crunch, I wouldn't even be a personal trainer.

Let's start here. I start working out (again--always off and on) in 2007 at the gym on our Air Force base. No trainers there... I just walked on the treadmill a lot. I started lifting a little here and there, scared of the boys though, usual first timer stuff. Then I join Anytime Fitness. One trainer for the whole gym, didn't really see her much or see her training anyone. No experience with trainers there. Then I join a big gym--lots of trainers here! Oh! These people tell people what to do, usually the same exercises for every one of their clients--and text on their phones while they're training people. Some even sell drugs on the side. Neat. Not a good feeling about these people.

Fast forward to February. We move to California and I join Crunch. I have my free first session with Tyler--who was informative, helpful, and so nice. Wow! Kinda cool. Then I take some classes taught by the other trainers. The trainers at Crunch really know their stuff, are always thirsting for knowledge, and are changing lives.I get to know them all, they become my friends, and I have a whole new perspective for working out, helping others, and improving their lives. Andy (the training manager) started telling me I should become a trainer. I laughed him off for a good while. I really started to think about it and realize I am my happiest when I am in this gym. Then, my amazing father in law said he would pay for me to get the certification. Is this just meant to be?!

Now, here I am, officially a certified trainer at Crunch with the most AMAZING crew of people. They've all been the biggest cheerleaders for me! They have lifted me up and just really believe in me and are all so excited for me to be on their team. Its just such a great feeling!

Sorry for the boring post tonight--I just wanted to share my little story and the big news about where I'll be. If you're in the area, stop by and check the place out. It's great. If you sign up, get a free session with me. I'm so excited to be on this journey. It is where I am meant to be.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Becoming a CPT!

I know I've been MIA lately, but I am studying to become a NASM-CPT! (certified personal trainer). I know, super exciting stuff. NASM is one of the best and has values for personal trainers that I truly admire. I can't wait to finish and help as many people change their lives as possible. I have never felt so excited or dreamed as big as I have been dreaming lately. Goals, goals, GOALS! Anyway, I wanted to just give you a brief update about what is going on--once I am certified I will have a more official website with workout plans, nutrition plans, etc. for purchase. So stick with me and be ready! I am pumped! 

I have a couple of ideas to post about floating around in my head the last couple days. I have spent every free second I can find studying and soaking up knowledge, so I haven't had time to write on here. 

Coming up: Favorite protein and how to know which protein is right for you, and healthy eating with kids. What do YOU want to learn about and wan`t to see? Comment below or comment/private message me on facebook if you have any ideas or areas you're wanting to know more about! (Health-food-fitness related!) I will be happy to create posts based on what my readers, friends, and family want to know about. 

Thanks for being patient with me while I tackle this studying and exam. I love you all!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Your Grocery List.

I decided instead of listing products I like and use, I would write out a grocery list and a list for Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, or wherever you choose to buy your supplements. I would pick your favorite place and stick with them because you can earn points from your purchases. Personal preference.. We always shop at Vitamin Shoppe. They have great sales, great pricing, and a much wider selection than GNC.

I am not a doctor. Put what you want in your body at your own risk. This is all my personal opinion. :)

Here's a rundown on what I take in the morning with breakfast:

First thing in the morning:

Fish oil
Multi vitamin
Soluble fiber

Fish oil improves cholesterol, helps prevent cancer, is good for your heart and for your joints. Probiotics are great for digestion and your gut. They are the "good" bacteria found in the gut and help keep you healthy and regular.

Here is a link to a GREAT article explaining glutamine. I am going to be lazy here and instead of siting bodybuilding.com and all that, I am going to just let you read this!

I work out in the morning, so I take these and eat breakfast (like I posted before--green smoothie, grapefruit) Then before leaving for the gym I take:

Pre workout:
1g kre-alkalyn Creatine
Amino Energy

Post workout:
1 scoop Sun Warrior protein
1g kre-alkalyn creatine

Protein after a workout is very, very important. You need to feed your muscles. When you lift weights, you are breaking down the muscle. Drinking a protein shake after a workout helps to repair and grow your muscles!

Alright. Now lets move on to a basic list of clean eating food you should keep in your house. This isn't everything, but it is a list to help you get started on filling your pantry and fridge.


Other fruit you like
Other in-season fruits

Brussels sprouts
Sweet potatoes
Other veggies you like

Berries with nothing added
Another frozen fruit for smoothies
Veggies with nothing added
***!!I keep this in the freezer for when we're running low on fresh and need to get to the store. This happens often..as much as you plan, sometimes you run out of fruit and veggies. Fresh is best. This is a good backup.!!!***

Ground beef
Canned tuna and chicken (again, great for when you're in a hurry or needing to get to the store)

Almond milk
Plain greek yogurt
Cottage cheese

Bulk section:
Other nuts (^^unsalted^^)
Almond flour
Coconut flour
Dark chocolate chips

Black beans
Other beans

Peanut butter
Almond butter
(Check the ingredients!! Less is best. Peanut butter should basically just be peanuts. No sugar. Same with almond butter)

Baking section:
Cocoa powder
Chia seeds
Flax seeds
Unsweetened coconut
Hemp hearts
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Mrs Dash
Other low sodium seasonings

 I'm sure there are little things I am forgetting, and like I said this isn't everything but this is the basic foods we use and live on. We have much more in our house, but this is what we stock up on and end up buying quite often. If you have a question about anything feel free to ask.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Blogs I love.

Here's a list of blogs I like to read. I just have them on my google list and can see new posts from there. I know there is a lot listed, but I want to make sure you find what you're looking for individually. I look at vegan, paleo, and gluten free blogs (I like the vegan ones because there is no dairy or eggs, which my body is not tolerating) SO... Check out a few, check out all of them, try a few recipes, let me know what you think! Or feel free to comment any blogs YOU like. I love to see different websites and blogs I haven't seen before! 

I check this one regularly for new articles on workouts and fitness.

Here is the compilation of exercises. Click on a body part and watch videos on how to perform exercises.

LOVE their workouts.


This website lets users upload recipes. You can add these recipes to your grocery list and can make meal plans and lists for the store. AWESOME!

Ever hear of whole 30? You can find all the info on that here...

She's witty, funny, and entertaining. Her recipes never fail me!

Gluten free

Gluten free and vegan

Vegan, raw food



Workouts and food! She's great..highly recommend.

Core strength is so important! 





Friday, May 10, 2013

Working on that Fitness.

Alright, y'all...here's a general, simple FITNESS post! Who goes to the gym? Yes? No? If your answer is no... JOIN ONE. NOW. and Do. Not. Get. On. The. Treadmill. (unless you plan on doing sprints) Here's the thing. You join a gym. You get overwhelmed. You walk up to the treadmill. You walk. You get off. You may or may not stretch. Maybe do a couple crunches. You leave. Ok, nothing wrong with that, better than sitting on the couch, but its time to step up your game!! Now that you've got the clean eating down and you're changing your lifestyle to turn into the beautiful, sexy beast you know you are, here's a little advice for the gym.

1. Take the classes. Try them all. They are free, included in your membership, and simply amazing. We moved to San Francisco, immediately joined a gym, and even though I know what I am doing on the floor... I tried EVERY. SINGLE. CLASS. You have an instructor who is professionally trained and lots of other people who are right there with ya. Most of which have no idea what they are doing. Don't be fooled--90% of the people in a spin class and other classes are not in tip top shape. I do spin class once per week (sweaty, good music, heart rate soaring, black lights, adrenaline rush, break from my kids?! I think so!) and a couple full body conditioning classes. There were a few classes I never went back to because they weren't for me...But guess what? I tried them all and decided which ones I liked and which ones fit into my schedule. Guess what else? I met so many amazing friends in the last 3 months! Women and mothers I never would have met if I wouldn't have tried out these classes.

2. Childcare. Join a gym with childcare. Most gyms offer 2 hours per day, every day of the week. My girls think this is the most amazing place in the world, they play with their friends, (yes, the kids of the women in my classes and others) get to get out of the house, interact, and spend time away from me. And, oh yeah, I get time away from them too. This is super important to me. I get some "me" time. I take a class or lift, I shower, rock out to some Lumineers Pandora on my iPhone and get ready for the day in the locker room. Alone. Enough said.

3. Now that your kids are safe in the childcare center and you've got a couple classes you like for the week, lets talk about cardio. My cardio for the week is one spin class and getting my heart rate up with lifting and one of my classes I take that we run around and do some plyos and sprints sometimes. Keeping your heart healthy is so important! Get that heart rate up! Walking on the treadmill or hanging out on the elliptical doesn't count. Sorry.

4. Now lets talk about lifting. I like to pick up heavy things. This excites me a lot. I like to see how much weight I can dead lift and squat. I like to see what my body is capable of. The first time I tried to see how much weight I could squat..I squatted 135 pounds. I was hooked. Oh my gosh, what a rush! I can do that?! My little tiny 110 pound body can get in that squat rack and put the big 45's on the bar and squat it!? How BADASS!

I promise you... you will not get big lifting weights. Women often believe this misconception and myth and apparently hardly ever believe me..I don't know how many times I've been told that THEY will get big even tho I am not big because I am naturally small. WHAT? No. Just... No.

Getting your form right is the top priority here. Don't go out there not knowing what you're doing and try to pick up a bunch of weight. But don't you dare pick up the 2 pound dumbbells...Come on, your diaper bag weighs at least 15 pounds and you lug that sucker around all day!

There are plenty of places you can watch videos online for how to perform exercises. YouTube, Crossfit.com has about every lift ever on video, etc. And your classes!! Does your gym offer bodypump? Your instructor can help. And I bet your gym gave you a free personal training session when you signed up! USE IT! Ask questions! Get that info! Ask the personal trainers in the gym. Even if you aren't in a session with them, ask them to show you how to perform an exercise correctly or how to use a machine. That's what they're there for. Talk to them. They rock.

Now..your workout is over. Time to stretch. Take a stretching class or look it up online. This will keep you from getting too sore the next day and help elongate your muscles. Look up stretching online or take a class. Foam roll. Oh man...get on that foam roller. Its like a massage. Gyms have them. Mobility and stretching are a necessity. I will post blogs soon with information on this.

My workouts change regularly and I plan my workouts in a little notebook on Sunday night for the week. You don't want to overwork a certain muscle group and you want to give your muscles time to recover. Here is a basic look at what my workouts look like right now. (This is different for everyone and just what works for me--don't just try to follow my schedule. This is a schedule based on my body and class times at my gym around our other activities.)

Sunday: Rest day. I will be fresh for anything tomorrow!

Monday: I start by working on weaknesses. I want to do pullups like a beast. I work on my shoulder mobility and warm up, and see how many pull ups I can do. Then I do some assisted pull ups. I work on pistol squats and anything else I want to work on.
I then do some bench press and push ups for chest and hit shoulders.

Tuesday: Foam rolling, stretching, spin class!

Weds: Back, biceps, triceps. (I also use the row machine between some sets--get my heart rate up and still work my whole body)

Thursday: I take a class where we use weights and do a lot of shoulders, chest, and ab/core work. Notice, I hit shoulders and chest on Monday so they are fresh for this class today! This class is more heart rate up, lower weights. Monday's I use heavier weights and don't try to get my heart rate up as much.

Friday: Ultimate conditioning class. We never know what to expect. Wall balls, sprints, lunges, jump squats, box jumps, planks, push ups, thrusters, BURPEES for days. Amazingness. My favorite day of the week!

Saturday: Legs!! As long as we didn't completely kill our legs on Friday, I do heavy leg day on Saturdays. Leg press, deadlifts, back squats, front squats, Bulgarian split squats, pistol squats, sumo squats, goblet squats, (Are you noticing a pattern? Yeah, drop it like a squat..)

I hope this helps! Next up, blogs I love and supplements.

Some simple advice on clean eating.

I have been asked a lot recently what I eat and what I do for workouts. I decided this would be a great place to get some information out there for those of you wondering where to start. Keep in mind, everyone is different and everyone's bodies respond differently. It has taken me quite awhile to get to a "happy place" with training and eating, and I am ALWAYS learning and ALWAYS looking for improvement! You are BEAUTIFUL the way you are, and becoming healthy and beautiful on the inside will just make you feel that much better. Do it for your health.

I will start this little series with food. Eating clean, healthy, whole foods should be the number one priority in your life. The old phrase "you are what you eat" cannot be more true..It affects your skin, mood, weight and energy levels. I like the app MyFitnessPal.. I don't record workouts or all of my meals. I get on there about once a week, log everything I eat for an entire day, and check my calories and macros. This is a huge help for me, because over time I have learned how many macros of carbs/fat/protein in a day makes me feel the best. This is different for everyone, so listen to your own body!

A typical day of eating for me looks like this:

First thing upon waking. Chug a sh*t ton of water. SO IMPORTANT.

A green smoothie and half a grapefruit. My green smoothie consists of a cup of almond milk, spinach leaves, 1/4 cup frozen berries, 1 TB ground flax seeds, 1 TB almond butter, and a scoop of protein, topped with hemp hearts.

Post workout: 1 scoop of protein

Lunch: A meal I prepped for the week. Usually baked fish or chicken with broccoli and cauliflower rice.

Snack: A larabar, apple with almond butter, healthy trail mix, popcorn, PLAIN greek yogurt with honey, any of these depending on what I want that day...

Dinner:We usually have chicken, fish, or steak with a roasted veggie (carrots, brussels sprouts, green beans, kale, kale, kale!) and we LOVE our sweet potatoes!

I work out every day, so I don't mind eating late. Bedtime snacks are fine for me, but everyone is different. If you're hungry, EAT! I just try to avoid fruit at night due to sugar and carbs. A protein shake with almond milk or a couple of hard boiled egg whites and almond butter is always a great snack!

Now..onto things I avoid. As many of you know, I cannot have gluten or dairy. If I could eat gluten, I would still avoid white bread, rolls, pancakes, cakes, cookies, etc. There are plenty of healthy alternatives to these sweet treats that I make and I will share later. (Lots of inspiration and recipes on instagram as well!) I also avoid fruit juice (so high in sugar and carbs) coke, soda, pop, whatever, and fried foods. I also try to eat as little processed food as I can--the less ingredients, the better. If there are ingredients you can't pronounce, don't eat it.

Lastly, I want to touch on the importance of indulging..cheat day..call it what you want, we all need a little treat in our lives or you'll end up binging or giving up. I like to have a cheat meal or treat once a week on a weekend...No more than once a week. I also like to have a bite of dark chocolate once a day or every other day if I need it. (Not the whole bar, people!)

If you mess up, eat something horrible, fall off the wagon, just get back on. Drink a bunch of water and chalk it up as a learning experience. How did that make you feel? Do you feel guilty? Think about that next time you reach for the oreos ;)

As always I am here to help! Good luck and congratulations on your lifestyle change. You can do this!

Stay tuned...Next posts will be on fitness, supplements, and blogs I love.