Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I'm Official.

Well, well, well. Here we are... I am a CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER! I passed the exam! My other big news.. I am officially a certified personal trainer at Crunch Fitness in Daly City!! Without the crew at Crunch, I wouldn't even be a personal trainer.

Let's start here. I start working out (again--always off and on) in 2007 at the gym on our Air Force base. No trainers there... I just walked on the treadmill a lot. I started lifting a little here and there, scared of the boys though, usual first timer stuff. Then I join Anytime Fitness. One trainer for the whole gym, didn't really see her much or see her training anyone. No experience with trainers there. Then I join a big gym--lots of trainers here! Oh! These people tell people what to do, usually the same exercises for every one of their clients--and text on their phones while they're training people. Some even sell drugs on the side. Neat. Not a good feeling about these people.

Fast forward to February. We move to California and I join Crunch. I have my free first session with Tyler--who was informative, helpful, and so nice. Wow! Kinda cool. Then I take some classes taught by the other trainers. The trainers at Crunch really know their stuff, are always thirsting for knowledge, and are changing lives.I get to know them all, they become my friends, and I have a whole new perspective for working out, helping others, and improving their lives. Andy (the training manager) started telling me I should become a trainer. I laughed him off for a good while. I really started to think about it and realize I am my happiest when I am in this gym. Then, my amazing father in law said he would pay for me to get the certification. Is this just meant to be?!

Now, here I am, officially a certified trainer at Crunch with the most AMAZING crew of people. They've all been the biggest cheerleaders for me! They have lifted me up and just really believe in me and are all so excited for me to be on their team. Its just such a great feeling!

Sorry for the boring post tonight--I just wanted to share my little story and the big news about where I'll be. If you're in the area, stop by and check the place out. It's great. If you sign up, get a free session with me. I'm so excited to be on this journey. It is where I am meant to be.

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