Monday, July 1, 2013

Becoming a CPT!

I know I've been MIA lately, but I am studying to become a NASM-CPT! (certified personal trainer). I know, super exciting stuff. NASM is one of the best and has values for personal trainers that I truly admire. I can't wait to finish and help as many people change their lives as possible. I have never felt so excited or dreamed as big as I have been dreaming lately. Goals, goals, GOALS! Anyway, I wanted to just give you a brief update about what is going on--once I am certified I will have a more official website with workout plans, nutrition plans, etc. for purchase. So stick with me and be ready! I am pumped! 

I have a couple of ideas to post about floating around in my head the last couple days. I have spent every free second I can find studying and soaking up knowledge, so I haven't had time to write on here. 

Coming up: Favorite protein and how to know which protein is right for you, and healthy eating with kids. What do YOU want to learn about and wan`t to see? Comment below or comment/private message me on facebook if you have any ideas or areas you're wanting to know more about! (Health-food-fitness related!) I will be happy to create posts based on what my readers, friends, and family want to know about. 

Thanks for being patient with me while I tackle this studying and exam. I love you all!

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